How to Clean Sticky Grease Off Kitchen Cabinets

How to Clean Sticky Grease Off Kitchen Cabinets

Cleaning sticky grease off kitchen cabinets can be a difficult and frustrating task. However, with the right tools and techniques, it can be done relatively easily. The first step is to gather all of the necessary supplies. This includes a degreaser, a sponge or cloth, hot water, and a bucket. The next step is to apply the degreaser to the cabinet surfaces and allow it to soak in for a few minutes. Then, use a sponge or cloth to wipe the grease away. Be sure to rinse the surfaces with hot water afterward. Finally, dispose of the cleaning materials appropriately and enjoy your clean cabinets!

What is kitchen grease?

Kitchen grease is a type of residue that is commonly found on kitchen cabinets. It is sticky and difficult to clean off. In order to clean it, you will need some dish soap, a sponge, and hot water. First, wet the sponge with hot water and add a few drops of dish soap. Rub the sponge over the grease until it is removed. If there is any residue left, re-wet the sponge and add more dish soap. Rub the sponge over the area until it is clean.

Why should it be cleaned?

When it comes to cleaning, most people think of floors, countertops, and appliances. However, the cabinets in your kitchen can also use a good cleaning. In particular, if you have cabinets with sticky grease on them, they will need some special attention.

Cleaning sticky grease off kitchen cabinets is not difficult, but it can be a bit time-consuming. The first step is to gather the supplies you will need: dish soap, hot water, a sponge or cloth, a degreaser (optional), and a bucket or container.

If your cabinets are only mildly dirty, you can probably get away with just using dish soap and water. However, if they are really greasy, you may want to use a degreaser. Just make sure to follow the instructions on the bottle carefully and wear gloves when using it.

Easy way to clean sticky grease in kitchen cabinets

If you have cabinets in your kitchen that are constantly getting sticky with grease, then there is a simple way to clean it off and make them look new again. All you need is some baking soda and water.

First, mix together baking soda and water to form a paste. Then, use a sponge or rag to apply the paste to the cabinets. Let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe it clean. Rinse off any remaining baking soda with water.

Your cabinets should now be free of all that pesky grease!

Clean the sticky grease from the kitchen cabinets with a degreaser

Cleaning the sticky grease off kitchen cabinets can be a difficult task. However, it can be easily accomplished with the use of a degreaser. 

There are a variety of degreasers on the market, so it is important to select one that is specifically designed for this purpose. 

Once you have selected your degreaser, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. Be sure to wear gloves and eye protection when using a degreaser, as they can be harmful if not used properly. 

Spray the degreaser onto the cabinets and allow it to soak in for a few minutes. Then, use a sponge or cloth to wipe away the grease. Rinse the cabinets with water and dry them with a towel.

Use solvent

Dissolve the grease with a solvent. If the cabinets are made of wood, you can use a degreaser or paint thinner. For laminate cabinets, you can use a household cleaner like Formula 409 or Mr. Clean. Spray the solvent on the grease and let it sit for a few minutes. Wipe off the grease with a paper towel or cloth.

Use detergent

Cleaning sticky grease off kitchen cabinets can be a daunting task. However, with a few simple tricks, it can be done quickly and easily. The first step is to use detergent. Simply put a little detergent onto a sponge or cloth and wipe down the cabinets. This will help remove the grease and make the cleaning process easier.

The next step is to use a vinegar-based cleaner. Vinegar is a natural cleaner that dissolves grease and grime easily. Put some vinegar onto another sponge or cloth and wipe down the cabinets. Be sure to rinse off any vinegar residue with water when you are finished.

The final step is to polish the cabinets. This will give them a nice shine and protect them from future dirt and grime buildup. Use a cabinet polish or wax to do this.

Use dish soap

Cleaning sticky grease off kitchen cabinets can be a daunting task. However, it can be easily accomplished with a few simple steps and some dish soap. First, mix one-part dish soap with four parts of hot water in a bowl or bucket. Next, take a sponge or cloth and dip it into the soapy water. Rub the sponge or cloth onto the greasy areas of the cabinets until the grease is removed. Finally, rinse the cabinets with clean water and dry them with a towel.

Use baking soda

There are a few different ways to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets. One way is to use a degreaser such as ammonia or a commercial product. Another way, which is less harsh, is to use baking soda. 

Baking soda is a mild abrasive and will help to remove the grease. It can also be used to clean the top of the stove and the oven hood.

To use baking soda, dampen a cloth with warm water and add enough baking soda to make a paste. Rub the paste onto the greasy areas and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Wipe away the baking soda and dirt with a clean cloth.

Use vinegar

Cleaning sticky grease off kitchen cabinets can be a daunting task. However, it can be easily accomplished with the help of vinegar. Vinegar is a natural cleaner that can dissolve grease and grime.

To clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets, start by mixing one part vinegar with three parts water in a spray bottle. Then, spray the solution on the cabinets and let it sit for five minutes. Next, use a sponge or cloth to wipe the cabinets clean. Finally, rinse the cabinets with water and allow them to air dry.

Use lemon juice

Lemon juice is a great way to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets. It cuts through the grease and leaves your cabinets looking shiny and new. To use lemon juice, mix equal parts lemon juice and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the cabinets and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, wipe the cabinets with a wet cloth. The lemon juice will remove the grease and dirt, leaving your cabinets clean and shiny.

Tips for keeping kitchen cabinets sticky and shiny

The kitchen can be a messy place. Between cooking and cleaning up, it’s easy for grease and grime to build up on your cabinets. This can make them sticky and difficult to clean. However, with a little effort, you can keep your cabinets looking shiny and new.

1) Start by wiping down the cabinets with a damp cloth. This will remove any surface dirt or dust.

2) Next, use a degreaser to clean away any built-up grease or grime. There are many different types of degreasers available, so choose one that is best suited for your needs.

3) Finally, polish the cabinets to give them a shine. A good polish will protect the surface from dirt and dust and will help keep them looking new for longer.


Sticky grease can be a pain to clean off kitchen cabinets. Luckily, there are some tried and true methods that work well to remove the grease and make your cabinets look new again.

One way to remove the grease is to use a degreaser. You can either buy a commercial degreaser or make your own by mixing dish soap with white vinegar. Apply the degreaser to a cloth and wipe down the cabinets. Be sure to rinse off any residue with water.

Another way to clean sticky grease off kitchen cabinets is with baking soda. Sprinkle baking soda over the cabinets and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a damp cloth to wipe it away. Baking soda is a natural abrasive that will help remove the grease and dirt from your cabinets.